In celebration of Colorado Farmers and Ranchers and in support of #MeatInDay, on March 21st, 2021 Golden Plains Insurance drew two names at random from the list of all the people who registered to win one of two beef bundles that they were offering via an online contest on Facebook. Each 50-pound beef bundle contained cuts of Sirloin, Ribeye, Ribs, Ground Beef and Roast.
Pictured are Kellyn Willhite presenting Amber Comer with her winning certificate and Nick Palmer presenting James Martinez with his certificate on Monday, March 22nd following the drawing. Amber and James will take their certificates to Farmer's County Market in Lamar to exchange them for their meat bundles. 
Golden Plains Insurance would like to thank everyone who took time to register to win one of the bundles, to KVAY Radio for all their help making many arrangements for the beef and to Farmer's County Market for preparing the bundles. 
#agproducers #meatinday #betterwithbeef